Oct 12, 2011


I was perusing this article about things that have fallen away from the mainstream in computer technology....

I am one of those old keyboard folks. I am typing this on an Apple Keyboard attached via BlueTooth to an iMac, BUT at work I use an IBM Model "M" keyboard. The clunky, clicky keys just "do it" for me. I actually feel like I am accomplishing something and the positive feedback. The one I use has a born on date of July 5 1996. It's been apart several times and cleaned in a dishwasher. I have several other ones that serve as backup and parts repositories. The point is that they may not be efficient or "new" but they work reliably...

And being reliable is what IT is all about.

(Note: I originally wrote this several months ago and found it languishing in the "DRAFTS" folder)

The.... FUTURE!

Beginning in the next few weeks we will be embarking on our journey into the...."FUTURE!" We will be building a OES2SP3 Cluster on SLES10SP4. RIGHT in time for the beta launch of OES11 on SLES11 which means another migration in the near term. At first this will be for file storage, but soon it will be Groupwise (8.02HP2) followed at some point by iPrint (as soons as they ditch the XP SP2 boxen). One my attempts during this is going to be to blog more.

for those of you at Brainshare, enjoy it, but then let's get down to work....

Making IT work , yep that's the job