Here come the tablets, working in healthcare means working with doctors and working with doctors means working with users with disposable income. This lead inevitably to Tablets... Galaxy, XOOM, iPad and iPad2. Android, iOS and eventually webOS, QNIX, and Windows. Portable devices with portable problems. One of the faster growing ways of dealing with this, protecting the data AND still giving the users what they need (which is different than what they want) are the solutions from VMWARE and CITRIX involving their VDI or XENDESKTOP offering. The one issue is that you are trying to handle a windows interface over a touch interface. What we really need is a competent tablet interface, but we didn't have one ten years ago and we don't have one now. Natively there's too much of a chance of loss of data and in HIPAA environment this is bad. Browsers aren't any better because most of the infrastructure is coded to IE7 (hopefully) or IE6 (most likely).
What we need is a virtual interface that isn't dependent on anything resembling a standard interface that allows IE emulation but on a more stable platform. Win7 isn't it, Win8 is a pipe dream, Ubuntu NBR is a good candidate IF you can get IE to run on it legally.....
points to ponder